Friday, May 2, 2014

Time for a Change - Greyhawk Game Blog Coming Soon

I haven't really been using this blog, so now I'm going to convert it to a Game Session blog for our Friday night games. I call the game "Gnarley Dudes", as it is a World of Greyhawk Game, set in the Gnarley Forest and involving mostly younger players. These games are 3.5e Dungeons and Dragons games with a few House Rules but no other books and no Pathfinder books added in. There are 5 players. 4 are brand new to D&D, and the 5th has  played a lot with other people, but only a bit with me.

Early games had no real format and no real role-playing - they were introductory games that were more about mechanics and introducing brand new players to the world of Dungeons and Dragons. These first Session Diaries will probably end up being pretty bland as I post them, if I post them. I don't recall much about what happened in those games and, as I said, they weren't very story-driven.

Possibly I will start around Session 9, which was when I started keeping good notes and really establishing a story, and it was also when the players were comfortable with the rules and starting to explore who their characters really were. So watch for that first session soon.